Main scientific direction
"Physics of the Sun and Sun-Earth connections"
Modern space observations of the Sun have high spatial, temporal and
spectral resolution. This allows us to observe and investigate physical
processes at the solar surface, in the high-temperature magnetized plasma
of the corona and solar wind. We can investigate in many details the
effects caused by energy fluxes from reconnecting current layers.
These fluxes are in the form of fast hydrodynamic flows, powerful thermal
waves and charged particles accelerated to the extremely high energies.
Just these effects create the observed picture of a solar flare,
the primary link in the chain of the Sun-Earth connections.
Our department performes the following most perspective studies:
- Special analytical and numerical experimental investigations of
the solar plasma involved in the magnetic reconnection process
at the Sun.
- Calculation and analyses of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere
and their comparison with multi-wavelength observations of active
regions and solar flares.
- Study of the kinetic and MHD phenomena caused by the flare energy
release in the form of accelerated particles, powerful fluxes of
heat and hard electromagnetic radiation.
Scientific seminar
"Plasma Astrophysics and Solar Physics"
in memory of S.I. Syrovatskii
The seminar holds regularly on Tuesday at 15:30 in the Conference Hall
of P.K. Sternberg Astronomical Institute.
Head of the seminar: Prof. B.V. Somov. Secretary: O.V. Dunin-Barkovskaya.
The seminar considers the questions related to generation of magnetic
fields in astrophysical plasmas, effect of the magnetic reconnection and
particle acceleration in strong magnetic fields, the origin and propagation
of cosmic rays, the flares and other non-stationary phenomena in the solar
atmosphere and solar wind, Sun–Earth connections and physical
processes in the heliosphere.
27 September 2013  
The Solar Physics Department was visited by journalists of
the leading Russian TV channel "Vesti-1".
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